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Answers to some questions you may have

Is Nitall built for people like me?

Let’s find out.
Do you identify as an online creator? Are you a blogger, podcaster, YouTuber, maker, course creator, freelancer, coach, musician, or photographer? Do you make digital or physical products, provide services, build software, or have ads, sponsorships, or affiliate products and market or sell those things online?
If you answered yes to ANY of those descriptors, then yep, Nitall is built for someone just like you.
Our founder was a blogger and course creator who was frustrated by how difficult it was to get started as a creator. So instead of trudging through a tool that didn’t fit, he built Nitall to solve the pain points of support like himself and you.

Which plan should I choose?

Our Free plan is a great choice for agencies, support, technologys, commerces who are just getting started. It will allow you to create landing pages, sell products, and send emails to up to 1,000 subscribers for free.
The Paid plan is perfect for agencies, small business, support, technologys, commerce and finance who want to grow their business and has added additional team members.
The Pro plan is best for marketing and business that has more than three team member and who want to scale their business with advanced features.
So really, it’s up to you and where you’re at with your business! If in doubt, create a Free account and take a look around.

How can I make payment?

If I don’t like Nitall, can I request a refund?

We’d hate to see you go, but we totally understand that sometimes things just don’t work out.
No matter if you’re on a monthly or annual plan, if you realize Nitall isn’t the right fit for you we can give you a refund as long as you’re within the first 30 days of the date you signed up for your account.
Our team will cancel your account and send that refund along immediately (but it will take 3-5 days to show up on your credit or debit card account).

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